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"France-Canada Friendship: yesterday, today and tomorrow"


Our Goals
  • Involve Canadian and French youth in the life of Amicitia France-Canada alongside all generations.

  • Engage every citizen in our shared educational and cultural values.

  • Uphold our duty of memory and enrich our mutual friendship based on our rich common history.

  • Take part in the construction of bilateral relations, with innovation in arts, culture, literature, science, music, sport...

  • Bring life to the Monument, thanks to future generations acting in intergenerational solidarity for fraternity, universal humanistic progress and Peace.

  • Stimulate the creation of educational projects as part of the “Cercle Amicitia”.​​​​​​​​​

image IDEE.jpg

Drawing by Crystal Z.

Further information :


Participating in the 2025 contest​
  • This contest is exclusively reserved for amateurs.

  • Contest participants must be between the ages of 11 and 19 years.

  • A parent or legal guardian must consent to participation by completing and signing the contest entry form.

  • The submitted art work must be an original creation by the participant alone and not a reproduction of another image.

  • Please note that any submission containing a copyrighted item or image will be automatically disqualified.

  • All participants who submit an art work will receive a participation certificate.

  • Winners will receive an award diploma. The first three laureates will receive a special prize.

  • The Jury decisions cannot be appealed.

  • Every art work may be published and used by Amicitia which retains ownership of the work. Amicitia reserves the right to change any contest rules.


“Canadian and French people together commemorate and celebrate Victory in Eu- rope Day and the Armistice on May 8, 1945.“

Imagine a poster or a painting depicting this scene of relief and jubilation between French and Canadian citizens.


For your information, here is a press excerpt:


May 8, 1945

“ In Canada, France, Europe and many Allied Nations, thousands of people celebrated Victory in Eu- rope Day to mark the official end of World War II in Europe, following Germany’s surrender on May 5”.

Alongside the Allies and French fighters, 1,000,000 Canadians and Newfoundlanders served during World War II - 45,000 of them lost their lives.


In Paris, Canadians joined people in the streets in an outpouring of emotion. In Toronto, thousands danced in the streets while mosquito aircraft dropped a shower of streamers from above...”​


  • Details:

    • Drawing, crayons, watercolours, gouaches, paint, fusain, pastel.

    • Drawing on a graphics tablet.

    • Do not make a collage with added images, photos or found materials.

    • Size : maximum A3 ( 297X420 mm), or 11X17 inches ( 279X432mm).

    • Review the contest rules.

    • Optional note of intention: This will allows you to explain (briefly) what you are aiming to do, what your important ideas are, your techniques, time spent...


This is a great opportunity to express artistically your feelings

about the friendship between Canada and France”.


Deadline September 30, 2025
Send your work with the entry form completed in capital letters to:


Concours Amicitia Contest 

c/o TFS - Canada’s International School

318 Lawrence Avenue East

Toronto, ON - M4N 1T7


Results will be announced mid-November
  • Selected winners will be informed, and at the same time the results will be posted on the Amicitia website.

  • Certificates and diplomas will be presented or delivered to winners. Results will be reported in social media and press.

  • Pictures of winners may be published with their surname and the first letter of their family name, unless parents give notice of disagreement.

Categories, prizes and donor

Our generous sponsor allows Amicitia to reward the winners. Amicitia is pleased to express its gratitude to :

Fondation Baxter & Alma Ricard


1st prize


2nd prize


3rd prize


4th prize



11 - 13 years




Honourable Mention


14- 16 years




Honourable Mention


17 - 19 years




Honourable Mention


Hors concours

Honourable Mention

Honourable Mention

Honourable Mention

Honourable Mention

*This chart may be changed without notice by Amicitia.

*Amateurs over 19 who would like to participate are welcome to do so. Such participants will not be entered in the contest. They will receive a 
 certificate of participation. If selected in the top four, they will be rewarded a diploma with an honorable mention.


​​​​​​​Grand Jury 2024

Its direction, its piloting and its presidency are ensured by Gérard POUPÉE, education delegate for Amicitia.


Contact us

Thank you!

Last updated: February 2, 2025


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